Day Seventeen: The Corn is as High as an Elephant’s Eye

Day Seventeen: The Corn is as High as an Elephant’s Eye

With a not so early start today (we had fewer miles to drive today), we left Iowa and headed east. This was our view as we hit the road (which has kind of been our view for the last couple mornings):


Very soon, we crossed the Mississippi and entered into Illinois – this time we actually had a sign welcoming us:

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We continued driving across Illinois (and avoiding Chicago).  The following was our view when we ate lunch at one of the Rest Areas of Highway 74. It added a little je ne sais quoi to our lunch:


On we travelled across Illinois – swinging by Peoria:


And lots and lots of corn:

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Eventually, we crossed into Indiana:


And after driving through the country, we finally arrived in Bloomington.  After settling in at our hotel, we went to downtown Bloomington for dinner:
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Tomorrow, we take our tour of Indiana University and then travel to Cincinnati to connect with friends.

Happy journeys!
